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We're moving to a new domain

Ribbon is moving to ribbon.ai and we're renewing our focus on making AI work for you to improve your career.

September 23, 2024


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Ribbon is moving to Ribbon.ai!

We started Ribbon a little over a year ago. Over that year, our vision for Ribbon has taken twists and turns from user feedback. We're still working on the same mission, but enough has changed that it's time to take a step back and talk about our journey so far.

Ribbon v0 started with verification and recognition for professional achievements. I am proud of what we built with Ribbon Awards, we recognized over 200,000 achievements (!). However, along the way our users asked for something bigger.

99% of people don’t have an advocate, coach, or mentor to help them understand where to improve their career

After scaling Ribbon Awards, we realised that proof of achievement is just one bottleneck for growing in your career. We hoped to tackle the broken reference system with Ribbon Awards, but the truth is that many applicants never even get to the reference stage when applying for jobs.

The bigger bottleneck for most careers is that 99% of people don’t have an advocate, coach, or mentor to help them understand where to improve their career and how to grab that next opportunity.

Starting late last year, we experimented with AI tools to help Ribboners improve their careers. Our first experiment was Resume+, a tool to give actionable feedback on your resume. This little experiment uncovered something we weren't expecting: there are so many AI-powered tools for recruiters but almost none for applicants. There are so many AI-powered tools for recruiters but almost none for applicants

As AI capabilities get better, AI as a technology becomes more centralizing. In a world where every recruiter has access to powerful AI, leverage will accumulate to employers. This is why we found the lack of AI-powered tools for job candidates problematic. If employers can access powerful tools to screen and interview their candidates, then candidates should also have powerful tools to help them improve and prepare.

So that’s exactly what we’re building: AI tools to improve your career. What started as Resume+ has grown into a suite of AI-powered tools: Resume+, Interview+, Jobs Copilot, Chat AI, and more to come.

We want Ribbon to be your greatest advocate and we’re not going to stop until every user moves up in their career.

-- Arsham, Dave, and the Ribbon team

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